As I look back through my previous posts, I realize that they are all pretty much confessional in nature. They are all about me trying to work out the struggles that I have in my life. They are all about me and my faith and my battles with sin. ME ME ME! I have taken Christianity, something that is intended to be communal and focused on God, and turned it into something that is very personal and private and focused on me. Even this first paragraph is that way.
So this post is going to be an attempt at a different focus. Let us spend some time focusing on God and his greatness. But let's not focus on the things that we think make him great because they benefit us. Let's try to focus on things that make him great whether we benefit from them or not.
For example: God is in control. At first glance, this sounds like something that benefits us, but most of us like to have control of situations. We like for our plans to succeed. Try telling someone whose loved one was killed at an early age that God is in control. Try telling anyone in the northern parts of Japan that God is in control. Some of them might take comfort at that thought but most of them, I imagine, would go straight into questioning and blaming God if you tell them that. But God really is in control and whether we benefit from his control or whether we suffer from it, he is great and deserving of our honor, respect and submission because of that.
God knows everything and created everything. Once again, our first instinct is to try to praise him for how these facts benefit us. But these facts alone, whether they benefit us or not, are deserving of our respect, honor and praise. God, in his infinite knowledge of everything created everything that we see, hear, taste, smell, feel, and think. He did not just sneeze and accidentally created things. He thought through every tiny detail of how things work in order to create a universe that is so far beyond our comprehension that the best we can do is just sit speechless as we reflect on it. There's no point in trying to understand all of it because whenever we think we do understand it all, something comes up that puts us right back in our place as a limited, uneducated, small part of something much bigger. We would be better off just to understand part of it as best as we can so that we can marvel at the details of just that one part.
God is everywhere. Sure this brings us great comfort to think about. God is with us no matter what we are going through. He is experiencing everything along with us. But again, if we take our selfish hearts out of this experience, and just marvel on the idea that God is everywhere, for better or worse as far as it concerns us, this is an amazing feat. Nothing else in all of creating is everywhere... not air, not matter, not even time. But God is.
God is love. The best feeling our human bodies can ever experience is true love. There is nothing else that tops it. That emotion or feeling or action or however you might describe it... that is God! God didn't just create it. He IS love. This fact has limitless implications that affect our selfish lives and give us hope for the future, even in times of heartache. But all selfishness aside, the reality that God IS love, when you simply reflect on it, is something that should bring a smile to your face. The fact that God is love should call you to a state of worship. A creation without love is unimaginable. There would be no hope. There would be no reason to exist. We wouldn't even be able to be selfish. Because selfishness is caused by seeking after things that you love without considering how your actions might impact anyone or anything else. My mind hurts when I try to think about the depth of meaning that this simple statement has: God is love.
God is worthy and deserving of our praise regardless of what he has done for us lately. And it is important for us to realize that Christianity is more about God's greatness and holiness than it is about what God has done, is doing, or will do for us. Let's keep that in mind. :-)
What other aspects or characteristics of God can we reflect on that may or may not have any benefit to us?
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